PRIVACY NOTICE Affinity Partners Programs
One of the ways the UCI Alumni Association generates the income needed to fund programs that benefit UC Irvine is by engaging in partnerships with
carefully selected businesses.
Partner candidates compete for the privilege of marketing their services and products to highly desirable UC Irvine students and graduates.
We select these partners based on the quality, value, price and appropriateness of their offerings and their reputation. We hope that you agree that our judgment is sound and you find any partner
solicitations useful and relevant. But, even if you do not respond to such offers, you are still helping us simply by allowing us to continue to send these offers to you.
You have the right to control whether we share your name, address and e-mail address with our selected affinity partners (companies that we partner with to offer products or services to our alumni).
Please read the following information carefully before you make your choice below:
You have the following rights to restrict the sharing of your name, address and e-mail address with our affinity partners. This does not prohibit us from sharing your information
when we are required to do so by law.
Unless you say “NO,” we may share your name, address and e-mail address with our affinity partners. Our affinity partners may send you offers to purchase various products
or services that we may have agreed they can offer in partnership with us.
You may decide at any time that you do not want us to share your information with our affinity partners. If you decide that you do not want to receive information from our partners,
you may do one of the following:
- Visit and fill out the online form here.
- E-mail us at:
Regardless of the method, be sure to include your Alumni ID number, name, address, phone number and class year.
Thank you for your continued support.